Instructor | How do I reset my student to the previous round?

The following is intended for instructors ONLY. If you are a student, please contact your instructor to reset your simulation round. 

If you would like to give your student(s) a second chance at the previous round in the simulation, please follow the instructions below. 

Visual steps on how to reset the student can be found here: 

These actions cannot be undone.

  1. Login to Stukent at
  2. Once you are logged in, select the course you would to like to manage on the left.
  3. Select Go to Admin on the simulation.
  4. Select Student Results at the top
  5. You will see a “+” next to the name of each student. Here you will have the option to send the student back to the beginning of the previous round.

  6. Below will populate once you hit the return to previous round button. If you would like to remove the student’s work you can check the box “Also reset (student’s) work”. If not, do NOT check the box.


4. Repeat the previous steps if you are returning the student back more than one round. 

Important note: When moving a student back more than one round be aware that calculations and/or results will change based on the updated inputs. We strongly recommend removing work when moving a student back more than one round. 



Note: These instructions do NOT apply to our Classic simulations or Mimic Personal Finance simulations.


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