Student | How do I navigate the Stukent Platform?

Getting Around the Stukent Platform

Welcome to Stukent! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of navigating your Stukent courseware or Simternship.

If it’s easier, you can watch a video tutorial on the basics below.


How to Navigate Your Courseware

You can think of your courseware as an expanded digital textbook. However, unlike a textbook, your courseware is updated each year and contains resources, assignments, chapter quizzes, and more.

To get started, log in to your Stukent account and click Launch Courseware from your home screen.



Once your courseware opens, use the left sidebar to navigate the text.


Click a chapter heading in the sidebar to open a chapter and expand its contents. To advance the text, click the subheadings in the sidebar or click the Next button.


Each chapter may include a number of resources, such as quizzes, assignments, videos, case studies, glossaries, and more. It’s worth taking a minute to familiarize yourself with the resources available to you.


You can also scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click Student Resources to find a summary of all the chapter resources in your courseware.


Navigating Your Simternship

Your Simternship is a “simulated internship” that places you in a realistic work environment. Your simulation allows you to gain experience, build marketable skills, and yes, even make a mistake or two in a low-risk setting.

This is your chance to experiment with the concepts you’re learning without any real-world risks!

To get started, log in to your Stukent account and click Launch Simternship.



Each Simternship features an orientation video in its introductory round — this will help you learn how to navigate your simulation and get the most out of your experience.

You can think of a round like a level of your Simternship. Each round includes a number of features and activities, including your Inbox, Notifications Hub, and work assignments.


Click the headers in the left sidebar to expand a round and navigate its resources.


In each round, pay close attention to the instructions given to you by your simulated supervisor. You’ll get these instructions in the videos embedded in each round and in your Simternship’s inbox.


If you need assistance with your courseware or Simternship, please contact the Stukent Support Team. We’re here to help you get back to the business of learning!

Best of luck this semester!

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