Instructor | How do I archive or unarchive a course?

This article is to show all the ins and outs of archiving courses. Archiving courses is the best way to keep your current and past courses organized. Keep in mind that students are unable to view 


We HIGHLY recommend creating new courses each semester. This keeps your classes organized, it keeps your materials organized, and most importantly it keeps your materials current with the latest updates.


  Steps to archive your course:

  1. Log in at
  2. Select the course you would like to archive on the left hand side under Active Courses
  3. Select Settings at the top. 
  4. Here you will have a toggle to turn off and on the archive of this course.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Done!


To view and unarchive old courses:

  1. Log in at
  2. Select the Archive Courses at the top-left
  3. Select the course you would like to unarchive on the left-hand side
  4. Select Settings at the top
  5. Toggle the Archive off
  6. Select Save.
  7. You'll then be able to view the course in the Active Courses.



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