Blackboard Integration Setup Troubleshooting and FAQ's

This guide is intended for instructors and LMS administrators who may encounter issues while setting up the LTI integration in Blackboard, and/or are trying to link a course. If you are at the beginning of the integration process, please follow the guides provided on the Stukent LMS Integration page.


Why am I getting the "Oops, something went wrong" error?


This error indicates that some part of the tool configuration needs to be updated. Because of how Blackboard functions, the whole tool (or placement) will need to be deleted and reinstalled. 

Our team recommends waiting for in-between semesters to make this adjustment since this action will impact any users whose course is connected with that tool.

*If you can confirm that you are the only instructor using the Stukent integration and no students have joined your connected course, the change can be made sooner.

LMS administrators should follow the steps in our Blackboard Administrator Guide to re-install the tool.


Why do I not see the "Stukent Content" tool in my course?

There are a couple of possibilities why this is.

  1. If you are using Blackboard Ultra, or tried the steps below with no success, a placement needs to be added to the configuration. Please contact your LMS administrator to review the placements using the Blackboard Administrator Guide.
  2. If you are using Blackboard Original, you can check a setting in your course. To do this, you will:
    1. Go to 'Control Panel'.
    2. Click 'Customization'.
    3. Select 'Tool Availability'.
    4. Scroll down to 'Stukent Content'. Make sure this is 'checked', then click 'Submit'.


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