Instructor | Strengthen Your Skills Activities

What is Strengthen Your Skills?

Strengthen Your Skills is a formative learning activity that allows students to practice the application, analysis, and evaluation of concepts aligned to chapter learning objectives. Scoring is automated, so learners will know right away how well they're progressing toward mastery before they move on to higher-stakes assessments.

Strengthen Your Skills activities are available in each chapter in select courseware and are aligned with learning objectives.

How do students take the skills test?

Each Strengthen Your Skills will be located within the chapter on the left-hand side. Students will take the exam similarly to quizzes. These questions will include a video and/or text for them to view with each question. 

Where are the scores for Strengthen Your Skills?

The scores for Strength Your Skills will be located within the total Chapter Score within your Instructor Portal. If you select the student's score for the Round, it will break down all the scores including the Strengthen Your Skills, Chapter 1, and Chapter 1 Expert Session, if applicable. 

How do you reset their skills test?

You will reset Strengthen Your Skills the same way you reset quizzes. Steps to do so will be listed here: Instructor | How Do I Reset My Student's Quiz?



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