Canvas Instructors | How do I check for multiple Stukent tools in Canvas?

During the troubleshooting process, the LMS Stukent Support team may ask you to check if there are multiple Stukent tools enabled in your Canvas course. If there are multiple tools, it will is highly likely there will be issues with the course's connection to Stukent.

Follow the steps below to check for multiple Stukent tools, and for how to find pertinent information for troubleshooting.

***DISCLAIMER: If you find multiple Stukent tools in your Canvas course, you will need to contact the Stukent team for assistance.***

Open Canvas Settings

  1. Go to the "Settings" tab in your Canvas course.
  2. Click on the "Apps" tab.
  3. Select the "View App Configurations" option.
  4. Review the list of tools for multiple "Stukent" tools.

Check Deployment ID

Regardless of how many tools are enabled, you will need to gather specific tool information from two places:

  1. Follow the steps above and locate a Stukent tool.
  2. Click on the gear icon to the right of it.
  3. Click on "Deployment Id".
  4. Take a screenshot of the deployment id that is displayed.
    1. It should look something like the following - '####:a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a'.
  5. Close the 'Deployment Id' pop-up.
  6. Click on the 'Stukent' navigation item from the left. 
  7. Take a full screen screenshot so that the url box is included.

Send both screenshots to the LMS Support team since this will help with troubleshooting. Repeat those steps for each tool.

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