Personal Finance Simulation | MPF Grades

(Time Stamp: 13:00 - 17:00)



MPF Grade Factors

  • Credit Score
  • Payment History
  • Financial Progress Score
  • Points to Sell 


To set the MPF Grade:

  1. Go to Student Management on the left-hand side
  2. Select Academics/Reports
  3. Select Create New MPF Grades
  4. Based on savings and other accounts, you can calculate the portion of their grade you would like your students to be able to buy. You can also set the weight of points for Credit Scores, Payment History, Financial Goal Progress, and Points to Sell towards their Academic Grade.
  5. Set due date.
  6. Once you have confirmed all settings click on Create MPF Grade.
  7. You do have the option to copy this grade into your other courses or not copy them as well. 
  8. You can select View to view the grade and points. allowed.  


When the student purchases a grade, can they go back and change it?

Once it’s purchased, the student cannot change the part they paid. However, points that are not purchased (credit score, payment history, and financial progress)


What do students see on their end?

Students will go to Major Purchases>MPF Grades>Purchase:

Can students view the points they already purchased?

Yes! Once they purchase the points, they will see "View" next to the MPF Grade. Here it will show them how many points they purchased, as well as points they received for their Credit Score, Payment History, and Financial Goal Progress(if applicable.)


Can I delete the MPF Grade?

Yes! Once you create the grade, you can select the X next to the grade to remove it. If you cancel/delete an MPF Grade students that have already completed their purchase will be refunded.


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