Social Media Simternship | Results Review - Organic and Paid Posts

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your Paid/Organic posting results in the Social Media Simternship (formerly Mimic Social.)


How to navigate to your results, which you can access at any time within your the Social Media Simternship.

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the the Social Media Simternship title
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


Tips and Tricks

Use the POST ANALYTICS tab to view your most recent post results. To view your previous posts, click the POST HISTORY tab


Going through the Post Analytics results first, Post Analytics are broken down and show results by social media channel. Click on the respective social media channel to see the posts you created as well as their overall results.


When viewing your Post History, you can choose ALL CHANNELS to view all previous posts made up to that point in Social Media Simternship. You can also choose a respective channel to view all posting history for that specific channel.

As you are looking through your results, you will see categories titled "Awareness", "Engagements", and "Revenue". Next to those names, you'll see an “i” symbol which you can hover over for further clarification on viewing those results, as shown below.


When viewing previous posts and metrics, you can click on any of the column headers to sort by that topic, such as Post Type, Impressions, Clicks, etc.


You can use the COLUMN OPTIONS button to organize the information you see. You can also use the EXPORT TO CSV button to export your results to a downloadable, printable spreadsheet.


Finally, for best results, pay close attention to the information in your RESOURCES tab when creating posts, such as: 

-Times of day to post

-Amount of posts per day 



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