Instructor | Reset Student Passwords (High School)

High School instructors have the ability to provide temporary passwords for individual students or their entire class. 

Note: If a student is not yet enrolled in your course and needs help resetting their password, please send us the student's email address and the course name. We will manually enroll them. From there, you will be able to assist them in resetting their password.

In efforts to comply with FERPA, please do not have students reach out to us directly for assistance.

The instructions below will allow you to provide a temporary password to your students:

  1. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner. 
  2. Select "Reset Student Passwords".


  3. From here you can either select the course or search the student's email address.
  4. Either "select all" or select an individual student, depending on how many students need to reset their password. 
  5. Click "Reset Selected Users"


  6. Student(s) may use follow the link provided, or go to


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