Canvas Student Registration

1.Once you sign in to Canvas and select the course, there will be a Stukent button on the left hand side   navigation bar. There you will click on the button and Launch into Stukent.


  1. Once you have launched into the course, the site will create your account and you will hit a pay-wall. Enter in your credit card information and purchase the Simternship, Courseware or Bundle displayed in your course. If you purchased an access code through the Bookstore, you can redeem it on this page. Note not all materials are required.  If you choose not to purchase optional courseware you can make your purchase at a later time.



  1. With the purchase of the Courseware, you will have access to the course materials. Please refer back to the syllabus for assignments and due dates.


  1. To get back to the material at any point, you will need to follow Step 1 or click on any Stukent Assignment link within Canvas.

Stukent Support:

The Stukent Support Team offers technical support for Students. If you run into any issues registering for the Stukent course via Canvas, please contact or call 855-788-5368. Open hours are Monday through Thursday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 6:00 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by email only and Sunday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. MST.

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