Student | Troubleshooting for Video Recording within the Simternship

If you are having troubles with your video recording or uploading, there are a few steps you can take that should resolve the error moving forward. 


The most common issue encountered is when the permissions are not allowed after Stukent initially asks for them. Please make sure you choose “Allow” when prompted:

If you have given permission to Stukent for these functions and continue to have issues, please try the following:


  • Clearing your cookies and cache. Steps listed HERE.


  • Making sure your browser allows video and sound when you select to record. E.g. below 

  • We also recommend making sure you do not have ad or popup blockers blocking the simulation. Ad or popup blockers can inadvertently interfere with the proper loading of certain functions within your simulation.


  • Trying an alternate browser. We recommend using Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox.

  • Trying an alternate device. We recommend using a PC or laptop for the video recording.

  • If you receive any sort of error while uploading your video and are unable to attempt a reload, feel free to reach out to support at and we will assist you further with resolving the error. 


As a reminder, please do not save or upload your video until you are satisfied with the finished product. 


If you are still experiencing issues after doing all of the above, feel free to send us an email ( with a screenshot attached. 

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