Personal Finance Simulation | Missed Payments/Marking Payments On Time


This article will reference how to mark students' payments as paid on time as well as automatic bill pay options.


How do I mark a specific student's bills as paid on time?

  1. Select Money Management on the left-hand menu
  2. Select Billing
  3. Select the Bill Management tab at the top
  4. Select the Student's name in the dropdown menu and select View Student's Bills
  5. Here you can select the Red Date to mark the student's bills as paid on time. 

Keep in mind that students will still need to pay the bill that is past due. They can do so by going to their Balance Sheet in their Money Management.



What do I do if my students are off for Spring Break/Winter Break? How do I turn on automatic bill pay?

  1. To enable auto-bill pay, you will select Money Management in the left-hand menu
  2. Select Billing
  3. Here, you will scroll down to the Automatic Bill Payment
  4. You can enable this for the whole class, specific students, or turn off the auto bill pay as well. 


Keep in mind the following with the auto-bill pay:

  • By enabling Automatic Bill Payment, all bill payments due during the current billing cycle will be automatically processed by the system.
  • The Automatic Bill Payment process happens on the due date, which is usually Fridays for all bills.
  • If you enable Automatic Bill Payment after Friday, the system will still run the Automatic Bill Payment process before the next billing cycle begins.
  • We recommend this functionality be enabled only when students are unable to participate in the simulation for more than a week due to illness or school closure.
  • This functionality allows students to maintain their current credit scores without missed bill payments while temporarily not participating in the simulation.
  • Automatic Bill Payment will NOT be processed if the student checking account has insufficient funds. As a result, if a student does access their account and spends too much money before paying their bills, their bills will not be paid. Also, past-due bills will not be paid by this feature.

How to remove a student's bill can be found HERE


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