
Stukent prides itself on its simulations as ways to learn concepts in an environment that real-ifies classroom concepts. Here you will find info on our older simulations (Mimic Pro and Mimic Social). All other simulations have guides within the the contents of the sim.

Digital Marketing Simternship

See all 9 articles

Social Media Simternship

See all 10 articles

Personal Finance Simulation | High School

See all 22 articles

Analytics Simternship

Market Research Simternship

Crisis Communication Simternship

Content Marketing Simternship

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship

See all 7 articles

Marketing Management Simternship

Supply Chain Simternship

Personal Branding Simternship

Marketing Principles Simternship

Financial Accounting Simternship

Name Image Likeness (NIL) Simternship

See all 9 articles

Intro to Business Simternship

SEO Simternship

Marketing Analytics Simternship

Services Marketing Simternship

See all 9 articles

Media Planning Simternship

Professional Selling Simternship

Consumer Behavior Simternship

Public Relations Simternship

Digital Marketing Analytics Simternship

Advertising Simternship

Email Marketing Simternship

Logistics Simternship

See all 16 articles

Entrepreneurship Simternship

Sports Marketing Simternship