Personal Finance Simulation | Life Happens

Each round of “Life Happens,” students are randomly connected with a Life Happens scenario and the students must deal with the attendant consequences — good or bad.

How a student handles Life Happens scenarios is a major factor in their successful navigation of the simulation. If they budget wisely, plan ahead for the unexpected, and adjust when necessary, students will be successful. If they assume nothing bad will ever happen to them, they will struggle.


This article will cover:

How do I start the game?

How many times can I draw a student?

What options do I have when playing Life Happens?

How do Redraws work?

How many scenarios are there? 

How do I add more Life Happens Events?

How do I know when I've drawn through all the students?

Ponzi scheme information

If my student purchases health insurance, does this have any effect on Life Happens?

My student is missing funds from their Life Happens Event and it's not appearing in their account. 




How do I start the game?

  1. Select Life Happens on the left-hand menu
  2. Select Play the Game
  3. Select Start New Game
  4. Confirm you would like to start a new game. 

How many times can I draw a student?

You can only draw a student one unless they have a Redraw card. If you do not draw for a student, they will go back into the shuffle of students and once you finish all the students, you'll receive a confirmation. 

What options do I have when playing Life Happens?

Once you select Draw on a student, you'll have the option to Accept the item or if they have a Redraw, they can choose to use the Redraw. Redraws are purchased items within the Shopping Mall.

How do Redraws work?

Students can only use one Redraw per game unless they have a Multi-Redraw option. This allows them to use more than one of their Redraws. However, keep in mind this just gives them the ability to use the Redraws, they will still need to purchase multiple. 

More information Redraws here:

Personal Finance Simulation | Perks | Multiple Life Redraws

How many scenarios are there? 

105. There is a bank of 105 scenarios that instructors have access to within the Personal Finance Simulation, you are encouraged to develop additional scenarios that may be more applicable to your local demographic.

How do I add more Life Happens Events?

  1. Select Life Happens on the left-hand side
  2. Select Life Happens Items
  3. Select Add Life Happens
  4. This will have details of the Life Happens event for you to add and then you can select Add. Keep in mind, that you'll want to make sure the event is active for it to appear when playing the game. 

How do I know when I've drawn through all the students?

My student does not have enough funds in their checking for the Ponzi Scheme" in Life Happens, what happens next?

The system will check for the available funds in their checking. If they don't have the funds available, it will create a Bill for the students to pay. 

If my student purchases health insurance, does this have any effect on Life Happens?

First, for Health Insurance to Impact Life Happens, the individual "Life Happens Items" will need to have the "Insurance Claim" box flagged. So you may check available items prior.

When that box is selected Life Happens will automatically make a claim against the student's health insurance.

My student is missing funds from their Life Happens Event and it's not appearing in their account. 

Some Life Happens Events actually go towards a student's student loan. Items like the Miss Congeniality will take off $5000 from the student loan debit they have. If you select the pencil next to the Life Happens Event Item, you can check for sure on what type of event it is. 




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