Social Media Simternship | Awareness, Engagements, and Revenue Totals appear to be incorrect

If you are ever confused regarding the numbers on Awareness(Impressions and Likes), Engagements (Reactions and Comments), or Revenue (Conversions) there are a few things to keep in mind. 

The top Total in your Results for the Round will actually be the amount for all the Rounds up until this point. If you are viewing Round 6 Results, the top totals (below in the green square) are for totals for Rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.  

The blue square in the picture above is the amount(s) for the Round Results you are specifically viewing. If you select the Results in Round 6, below the total, you will see the totals for that Round on that specific Social Media. You can change between the Social Medias in the purple square above. 

e.g. With the picture above:

All Round totals (in green)

  • Total Impressions: 199,571
  • Total Reactions and Comments: 20,198
  • Total Revenue:  $27,160

Round 6 (in blue)

  • Page Likes: 736
  • Reactions and Comments: 1,449
  • Revenue:  $7,760

Also, keep in mind, that the ranking allows you to go off your specific Round or All Rounds altogether. 


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