Personal Finance Simulation | Adding and Verifying Students

When enrolling students in your Personal Finance Simulation, proceed as usual by adding them to your course. Additionally, ensure to verify this enrollment within the simulation.

Step-by-step instructions to add students to your course:

  1. Log into Stukent as an instructor via 
  2. Select the course you would like to add your students to on the left-hand side.
  3. Navigate to the "Settings" tab in the upper navigation bar. Here you will select “Generate Course Invite Link”.

  4. Then you can copy the link to provide
  5. Once your students have click on the course invite link they will be directed the following page:
  6. If students already have an account, they will be prompted to sign-in and it will enroll them in the course. If students don’t have an account, it will prompt them to create an account.
  7. Once they create their account, they will then sign in.

Once students are in the course, you will need to verify their enrollment within the Personal Finance Simulation. Step-by-step instructions on how to verify students within the simulation:

  1. Log into Stukent as an instructor via 
  2. Select your course on the left-hand side
  3. Select Go to Admin on the Personal Finance Simulation
  4. Select Courses on the Left and select the Student icon next to the course you would like to manage
  5. Here you will view all the students that pending enrollment in the simulation. Select the Yellow Yield sign next to the students' name.
  6. You will then confirm the verification.
  7. Once you do so, students should be able to access the materials. If it doesn't update automatically, you can have them refresh their page. 
  8. Please keep in mind that students will receive their first salary along with any bills that are due on that current billing cycle.


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