Personal Finance Simulation | Missed Paychecks

Within the Personal Finance Simulation, it is possible to apply any missed paychecks for students. This is a great feature if you have a student starting late to your course and you'd like them to be in the same financial situation as your other students. 


You can check and apply for any missed paychecks with the following steps:

  1. Select Money Management on the left-hand side
  2. Select Money Transfer on the dropdown menu on the left. 
  3. Here you will select the Paycheck tab at the top.
  4. You can check for recent missed paychecks or all paychecks that may have been missed. 
  5. It will then check all missed paychecks and list the student's name and dates of missed paychecks. If you would like to fulfill those missed payments, you'll select Process All Past Missed Salaries.
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