Whenever you post something online, you need to be prepared for the potential comments that accompany it. This document will give you some tips on how best to handle online interactions. Study it well and follow its guidance when interacting with others on social media.
1. Stay true to your brand. Whenever you engage with someone, online or off, make sure you are authentic. One of the worst things you can do to your brand is to not live it.
2. Be consistent. Similar to being authentic, you should stay consistent in your responses to comments and situations both on and offline.
3. Recognize that not everyone will agree with you and what you stand for. Some people are simply looking to put you down so they can gain a foothold over you and your brand. Others may try and troll you to keep you from growing. Don't let them.
4. Understand that you don't need to respond to everyone or everything. Choose who you reply to the same way you choose what to post — by determining if doing so will help reinforce your brand.
5. Don't respond emotionally. Always take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding. Once an emotional response is online and your emotions are back in check, that potentially damaging response is nearly impossible to remit.
6. Don't be afraid. You've worked hard to create your personal brand so don't hesitate to show it in your reactions. Just be sure your responses are authentic and not emotionally charged.
7. Be aware of what else is being said. Many issues have arisen for people and their brands because of something taken out of context. Make sure you understand other aspects of a comment before jumping in with your own response.
8. Understand that negative comments are just that, comments. Such negativity doesn't define you or your brand.
9. Maintain your ethics and morals. Don't allow someone's comments, and your response to them, supersede the ethics and morals you have developed for your brand.
10. Learn from your interactions. Occasionally you will make mistakes. When you do, reflect on what you could have done better and resolve not to make the mistake again.
Name Image Likeness (NIL) Simternship | Best Practices for Online Interactions
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