Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Creating a Campaign


Creating a Campaign:

Before starting a campaign, you'll want to get acquainted with the demographics, interests, and shopping habits of Juxta smart luggage line's four main target audiences. This information will help you create powerful messaging about the line. This can be found in the Resources(bottom right of the simulation) and here: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Target Audiences and Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Best Practices for Buhi's Juxta Smart Luggage Line

Keep in mind that you need to target each audience when they are most likely to purchase Juxta smart luggage. In other words, you need to (1) determine when each audience purchases and (2) move consumers through the earlier stages of the funnel in time for them to be prepped to purchase when they hit the purchase stage.

For example, if you know an audience is most likely to purchase in Q2, you should run awareness/interest and consideration/intent campaigns before Q2. Keep in mind that we're in Q1, and you're creating campaigns that will run this quarter. You can create up to four campaigns per quarter. 

  1. Select + Create New Campaign
  2. Select the Target Audience. Each Audience has a unique Demographic, Interests, Shopping Habits, and Marketing Funnel. See all Target Audiences here: Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Target Audiences and best practices here Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Best Practices for Buhi's Juxta Smart Luggage Line
  3. Depending on the Target Audience you select, you will select the Marketing Funnel State that works best for that user. 
  4. Next, you'll select the Positioning Statement that works best for this Target Audience. You can always view information on these Audiences within the "Instructions" if you need to refer back. In the Positioning Statement, you'll select the:
    -Target Audience
    -Brand Promise
  5. Next, you'll select the Marketing Communications Mix and allocate the Budget. You can choose the type of Marketing Communication and the type of media in that marketing. Then you will allocate your budget. 

    If you need to remove and budget allocation before you save, you can select the X in the corner of the allocation. If you have already saved, you can edit the campaign to adjust it or remove, or you can delete the Campaign entirely. 
  6. You will create a Campaign for as many of the Target Audiences as you would like and use as much as your budget as you can. 
  7. Once you've used all your budget, you can review your campaigns and then select Run Simulation to move to the next Round.
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