Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Simternship | Landing Pages

When creating and optimizing landing pages, you'll want to keep a special eye on information and product information within your Inbox for your simulation. This will hold key information that you use towards your Landing pages. You'll also want to keep an eye out for the customer reviews that are below the Landing Page Builder.


Buhi Landing Page Best Practices

Buhi's SEO team recently conducted a study across all its web pages to find out what interests customers and generates the most interaction from visitors to Buhi's pages. Here's what they found out.

  • Generic page titles aren't fun: Buhi's SEO team found that vague page titles did not inspire much action from customers. Make sure your page titles are specific and focused on the product.
  • Meta descriptions should focus on the product's physical features: Buhi's SEO team found that meta descriptions that focused on product descriptions vastly outperformed other types of meta descriptions.
  • Headers should be simple: Buhi's SEO team found that simple headers performed better than other types.
  • Product descriptions should be to the point: Concise, effective copy makes for a great product description, according to Buhi's SEO team.
  • Calls to action should focus on the purchase: Buhi's SEO team found that customers respond better to explicit calls to purchase a product rather than other types of calls to action.
  • Benefits are benefits: Buhi's SEO team found that customers didn't care what types of benefits were highlighted on product pages.
  • Tech specs make all the difference: Buhi's SEO team found that technical specifications contributed highly to purchases, specifically those that focused on the product's physical features and options.
  • Keywords should not be overused: Buhi's SEO team found that keywords should make an appearance on the landing page for it to be successful, but the landing page shouldn't just be overrun with keywords.

Metadata and Landing Page Optimization

Here are a couple tips for optimizing your landing page:

  • Shoot for perfect optimization of your primary keyword.
  • Make sure your URL is descriptive but simple.
  • Follow a set format for page titles so they are both unique and predictable.


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