Public Relations (PR) Simternship | Terms, Tools, and Tips

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giveback: to provide help or financial assistance to others in appreciation of one's own success or good fortune


The “Press Release Best Practices”(below) resource is a tool to help you decipher which content choices are the best options for Buhi to leverage in conveying its desired messaging.

Writing in an inverted pyramid style can help structure a press release. Organizing from the most important down to the least important information helps the reader retain the most newsworthy aspects from the press release.


  1. Remember that the goal of this press release is two-fold. You need to convince news agencies to run a story using the information you provide, but you also need to ensure that you meet Buhi’s goal of announcing the return of the bag.
  2. What’s important to the press isn’t the same as what’s important to Buhi.
    - The giveback program is what makes the return of the bag a newsworthy event. Without adequate focus on this, the press is unlikely to cover the story. (Just because you write a press release, doesn’t mean the press will cover the story.)
    - The Eco4 bag going back on sale and the giveback program are both important to Buhi. If you fail to give the return of the bag sufficient attention, you run the risk of having a disappointed client even if the press does pick up the story.


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