Marketing Analytics Simternship | Buyer Persona Query and Tables

In Round 4, you will be viewing and calculating the Buyer Persona Table to help you determine the feature preferences and rates for each of the buyers.

To downloading the data:

  1. Select Buyer Persona Table on the left-hand side.
  2. Select Execute on the Buyer Persona Query
  3. Select Download as CSV

Next, you will need to put in the information from this spreadsheet and find the averages of features and these personas below. This will help you determine which features are preferred by which personas.

Using the pre-filled out information on this table, you can see that the simulation is looking for you to round the decimal to the nearest hundredth. (e.g. Up-and-Comer Raj's pre-filled average rating for the Shoe Bag is 3.43)

When calculating Totals for the Features and the Personas, you'll want to average the data straight from the Data Query, rather than from the information within the table. Since the information you put in the table is rounded, you'll get a more accurate number by calculating this in the spreadsheet directly. 


Lastly, once you're done filling out the table above, you'll create a marketing concept to recommend for each persona by dragging the features each finds most enticing into the respective fields. You can tell a persona is enticed by a specific feature when its average score is greater than or equal to all respondents' average score for the feature. Each feature may be used more than once.

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