Instructor | Course Copy within Stukent

As an educator, your most precious resource is time. Stukent Course Copy allows you to create a new course from a previous one, helping you manage course content, streamline your workflow, and save time.


*At this time, you are unable to course copy courses using the Personal Finance simulation. If you would like to copy these courses, we recommend using the template feature within the Personal Finance simulation. This can be found here: Personal Finance Simulation | How do I create a course template?


What is Course Copy?

Course Copy duplicates your configuration for Simternships™ and courseware from an existing course. This feature reproduces your settings for the course and its auto-graded activities, such as due dates, time limits, peer review, and more.


  • Efficiency: Reduce the time you spend on course preparation from semester to semester.
  • Consistency: Keep your course structure uniform across semesters, including auto-graded assignments, chapter quizzes, and other activities.
  • Ease of Use: An intuitive process gives you more time to focus on what matters most — teaching.

Steps to course copy:

  1. Login at
  2. Select Copy an Existing Course in the bottom left-hand corner. 
  3. You will be able to copy all Active Courses by default. However, you can also select to view the Archived courses as well. 
  4. Next, you'll select the course you would like copy and then select "Choose Course"
  5. Then you'll confirm and edit the Course Name, Time Zone, Starting Date, School Type, and Payment Type. 
  6. Next, you'll Choose Product Settings from the course you copied to confirm on your new course. 

    Settings you'll need to confirm and set:

    General Product Settings
    -Copy the current settings from original course (Score Display for students and the display student's selected answers).
    -Restore to Stukent's default courseware general settings.
    Enabled / Disabled Assignments
    -Copy the enabled / disabled assignment/round selections from the original course.
    -Enable all assignments.
    Open Dates/Start Dates
    -Copy the existing assignment Open/Start Dates from the original course.
    -Clear all Open Dates of the courseware assignments/rounds.
    Due Dates*
    -Copy the existing assignment Due Dates from the original courseware .
    -Clear all Due Dates of the courseware assignments.
    Time Limits*
    -Copy the existing time limits of the assignments from the original course.
    -Clear all time limits.

  7. Once you select the Settings you would like, you'll select Copy Course and confirm:
  8. Your course is all set. If you would like, you can make adjustments to the Settings of your course here:
    Instructor | Instructor Portal - Settings
    Instructor | What Student Settings Are Available For Quizzes?

*Only a setting within our courseware materials.

For more information, contact your customer success manager or the Stukent Support Team.

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