Personal Finance Simulation | Shopping Mall Inventory FAQ

Inventory items can be anything you want to offer students for purchase. You have the ability to control the available supply, to determine whether an item is temporarily out of stock, and to choose the price. Active inventory items appear as the “Shopping Mall” for students.

To add a new item, click “Add New Inventory.” The following fields will appear in a pop-up.
● Picture: an image that will represent the item
● Price: the price paid per item purchased
● Qty (Quantity): the number of items available to this class
● Description: a simple description of this item
● Billing Option: a box that can be checked to add the item to students’ monthly budgets (e.g., a phone plan)
● Active: a box that can be checked to make an item appear in the students’ Shopping Mall


How do students purchase items and inventory?

Students will go to Shopping>Shopping Mall>Here they will pick which items they would like to purchase and the quantity. Next, they will need to select Proceed to Check out and check out with the items.

Where is the money deducted from their purchases?

When checking out, they have the option to pay for the items with their Checking Account or their Credit Card.

Why can't my student purchase items in the Shopping Mall?

You may check the quantity of the items. You may also need to increase the amount available for students and that they are listed as 'Active'. The more items you have for sale, the more opportunities students have to make financial decisions. Every decision is a learning opportunity. 

Where can students view their purchases and usage? 

They can go to Shopping>Personal Inventory> Here they can view Inventory Items, Inventory Usage History, and Purchased Items that have Recurring Billing.

Where can instructors view students' purchases and usage?

You can view your students' purchases from the Shopping Mall by going to Class Culture>Shopping Mall Inventory> Here you can view the Inventory, Inventory Purchases, and Inventory Usage.



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