Digital Marketing Simternship | Results Review - Display Ad

How do I Review Results for Display Ads?

This article will walk you through how to find and interpret your results for your display ads. 

To find your results, you will need to: 

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.

The following clip will show you how to navigate to the results section that you can access at any time throughout the Digital Marketing Simternship. This will be the same for all simulations: Results_Tab.gif
Display ads are the video, image, and text ads that appear on websites.

Below is a screenshot taken from, which shows several types of display ads. At the very top is an image ad from Google. Underneath it are two text ads. Farther down on the left is an ad for NYU’s business school. On the right is a video ad for IBM. Finally, at the bottom is a space for an ad that experienced technical difficulties.

Display ads are all about showing ads to the right people at the right time and in the right context. 


This is an image of the process of the consumer. You must know your target audience, where they may be at, and how to use that to move them to the next step. 

To be successful, your display ads should include:

  1. Attract attention – The website visitor the ad hopes to reach is reading/watching/browsing other content. The ads are (figuratively and literally) a sideshow. An effective ad must attract the visitor’s attention away from the main content of the page.
  2. Communicate a value proposition – The ad can only induce action from the potential customer if it communicates to the customer why the product or service being advertised is worth purchasing/adopting.
  3. Invite action – Effectively communicating a value proposition might be enough to invite a web user to click on the ad or to purchase the product later, but effective banner ads typically feature a call to action (CTA), an explicit invitation to click the ad.

Tips and Tricks

  • Text Length: Be sure to have enough content written across multiple short headlines and descriptions.
  • Spelling: Double-check for any spelling mistakes.
  • Target Audience: Is your target audience too narrow, too broad, or does it not fit Buhi?
  • No Profanity: There are penalties in the sim for using profanity.


While the Stukent Support team is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with Digital Marketing should be directed back to your course instructor for best guidance.

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