Digital Marketing Simternship | Results Review - Shopping Ad

This article will show you step by step where to find and how to interpret results for your shopping ads in Digital Marketing Simternship(formerly Mimic Pro).

To find your results, you will need to:

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.
  3. Scroll down until you see the “Shopping Ads” box.

The following clip will show you how to navigate. This will be the same for all simulations: 


Shopping ads will look generally like this:

Their purpose is to display primarily product images and prices instead of focusing on text.

These ads show up on the top left of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), on the top right, or take up the entire SERP when a searcher clicks the shopping tab.


Interpreting Your Results

Negative Keywords:

The main focus of shopping ads are negative keywords. Negative keywords allow you to exclude search terms from your campaign. When a negative keyword is selected you eliminate your ad from the customer's view when said term is searched. 

An example from our Digital Marketing Essentials textbook by Larson & Draper explains:

"If a company sells men’s athletic shoes, but it does not sell men’s dress shoes, it should add "dress" as a negative keyword to ensure that no matter what search query a consumer enters, the ad will not be displayed if the word dress is used."


You can do this in the simulation by:

  1. Looking at your results from the previous round. 
  2. Highlighting keywords that are not consistent with the ad, but received a lot of clicks and impressions. 
  3. Go back to your ad campaigns and select the “+” button next to the campaign you are working with.
  4. Click “Select Negative Keywords”
  5. Paste the keyword into the search box and select the keyword.
  6. Click “Save” at the bottom right corner.


Tips and Tricks

  • Consider adding negative keywords to exclude them from user searches especially on generic terms that may have high search volume but low conversion rates.
  • Remember, the same bidding principles apply across all PPC ad types.
  • Remember, the main focus of shopping ads are the negative keywords, you can choose to sell any brand or product.
  • You do not need to select every single negative keyword for every other brand. 10-15 negative keywords per product group is a good start. 


While the Stukent Support team is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with Digital Marketing should be directed back to your course instructor for best guidance.

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