Analytics Simternship | Results Review - Data Transformation

Results Review - Data Transformation

To find your results, you will need to: 

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left-hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.
  3. Scroll down until you see the round results you would like to view

The following clip will show you how to navigate. This will be the same for all simulations: Results_Tab.gif

Interpreting Your Transformation Results:

After each data transformation round, you are given insights into the results of the data that you have cleaned.

Here is an example of the results for the Landing Page- Traffic transformation:Landing_Page_Traffic.png

There are five possible types of transformations graded:

  1. Impossible Values- These are values that should be removed because they aren’t possible. An example of this would be a date range that ends before the start date, or a negative value for purchased items.
  2. Erroneous Formats- This is data that does not follow the format of the column. This could be when a date is in the gender column, or a money amount is in the state column.
  3. Was Already Correct- This occurs when a cell was cleared when the data was correct and did not need to be cleared.
  4. Extreme Outliers - Data that does not conform to the typical range for that column is considered an extreme outlier. An example of this would be the amount purchased being 1200 when most users purchased 1-10 items.
  5. Interpolation- The last type of transformation is interpolation. This only applies to the Advanced Data Transformation round, under Customer Data. Certain cells will be blank in the sheet and will need to be filled in using the sources provided.

To view where you may have missed where data that should have been cleaned, click on the “i” next to the value amount. From there, the details for the transformations that were submitted will show:Erroneous_Formats.png

The Row refers to the “ID” within the excel sheet. The Column refers to the column where the data is found. Here is the row with the ID of 169:Table.png

“Texas” was found in the “Name” column, because it is not the name of a person, that cell should have been cleared.

Interpreting your Budget Results: 

To view your budget results, scroll down to the section “Budget Allocation”. The graph below shows the revenue your campaigns brought in, based on the budget allocation set.

Here is where the budget is set during the round:Budget_Allocation.png

You can view the revenue for the budget set here:Budget_Revenue_Gif.gif

For each round that includes a budget allocation, you will use the integrated or transformed excel files to make decisions on where the budget should be allocated. The results of these decisions are reflected in this revenue graph. 


While the Stukent team is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with Analytics should be directed back to your course instructor for the best guidance.

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