Advertising Simternship | Results Review - Introduction

How can I Improve on the Introduction of the Advertising Simternship?

This article will help you understand what to do in rounds 1-4 (the introduction) of the Advertising Simternship. These rounds will help set you up for the rest of the simulation. 

To find your results, you will need to: 

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.

The following clip will show you how to navigate to the results, which you can access at any time throughout Mimic Advertising. This will be the same for all simulations: Results_Tab.gif
Round 1:

In this round, you will be working on answering research questions and creating the Persona Card. 

The reports attached to the “FWD: Research Reports” message in your inbox include a variety of information about messenger bag customers and purchases that will help you answer the research questions. 


Once you have completed the questions, creating the Persona Card will be a breeze! You will still use the information found in those downloads to select the specifics of the target customer. 

Reviewing Results:

Results for the research questions will be simple and clear. It will show you the question along with telling you if you got the answer correct or incorrect. It will not show you the answer you gave. This is to help stop the sharing of information. If you get the answer correct, you will receive 10 points. If you select an incorrect answer, you will receive 0 points. 

Your results will something similar to this:


As for the Persona Card, it will tell you directly what information was correct and what information was not correct. A red “x” to the right of your answer will indicate that answer was incorrect. It will look something like this: Persona_Card.png

In round 2, you will be shown what the correct Persona Card should have looked like. You will use the correct Persona Card from then on. 

It will also give you a gauge that looks like this: 


  • Red requires a lot of improvement
  • Orange requires more improvement
  • Yellow requires less improvement
  • Green requires little to no improvement

The written feedback will indicate where improvements are needed to get into the green zone. The feedback is more positive leaning, but still is meant to help you identify what needs to be done better on the next round.

Round 2:

First, you will need to complete the SWOT analysis. A SWOT Analysis is a summary of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats a brand or company is facing. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company, while opportunities and threats are external. You accomplish this by dragging each statement to the appropriate box it corresponds to. 

Next, is the Positioning Statement. In making your recommendations, consult the Persona Card and the provided reports. Also, consider the information on the “Nurture Fact Sheet,” available from Resources. To fill in the statement, you will select the correct information from the options provided as shown: Positioning_Statement.png

Finally, a value proposition will need to be created. A value proposition is needed to guide what the advertising is attempting to communicate. The value proposition communicates the compelling promise and benefit to the users. 

To build the value proposition, consider key benefits, calls to action, and an image that will sum up the entire campaign.

In making your recommendations, consult the “Persona Card,” “Positioning Statement,” and other provided research.

Be sure to fill in each of the boxes provided as shown below:Positioning_Statement_Boxes.png

Reviewing Results:

The first results you will see are for your positioning statement. You will again see the gauge that shows how much improvement you need. You will not continue to work on this statement throughout the simulation. 

It will look something similar to this: Positioning_Statement_results.png

The results for your value proposition will also be shown in the same type of gauge. It will also have a heatmap. This shows you where most of the activity on the page was. Just like heat, red and orange colors will show more activity while blue colors show less activity. 

In the top right corner, you can hide the heatmap to get a full view of your value proposition. 

In the top left corner, it will tell you how many total clicks your page had. 

Your heatmap will look something similar to this:


Round 3:

In this round, all you will need to do is to complete the Communications Brief. Consult the “Nurture Fact Sheet” and the “Nurture Messenger Bag Target Customer Persona” card as you make Communications Brief selections.

You can navigate through this section by clicking on the empty box that will bring up multiple options for you to choose from as shown below: Communications_Brief.png

Reviewing Results: 

The results for your communication brief will start with the typical gauge that you see throughout the simulation. 

It will then go through each statement you selected and give comments to the right of the statement. Good answers will be highlighted in blue while answers that need more help will be highlighted in a light pink. An example may look something like this:Highlighted_Results.png

Round 4:

In this round, you will continue working on your Communication Brief from round 3. Looking at your results will help you understand how to improve. 

The second thing that is required in this round is allocating a budget for different media channels. Based on data in the “Historical Campaign Data” report in your inbox, determine which media channels would create the most effective mix for carrying the Nurture advertising campaign to target customers.Historical_Campaign_Data.png

To allocate budget, move the slider associated with each of your selected media channels to indicate the budget amount you recommend allocating to that particular channel. Allocate the entire $200,000 budget among your selected channels. 

Tips and Tricks

  • Download the research reports sent by Xander Evans in your inbox of round 1. 
  • Be sure to use all the resources in your Resource drawer.
  • Make sure to continually reference the Persona Card.
  • Read each option, thoroughly and carefully. 


While the Stukent Support team is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with Advertising should be directed back to your course instructor for best guidance.

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