Advertising Simternship | Results Review - Big Idea

How can I Improve on the Big Idea?

This article will help you understand your results and know how to improve them for the “Big Idea” section in the Advertising Simternship(formerly Mimic Advertising.) 

To find your results, you will need to: 

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.

The following clip will show you how to navigate to the results, which you can access at any time while doing Mimic Advertising. This will be the same for all simulations: Results_Tab.gif

In this section, you will be evaluating 5 Big Ideas based on the ABLE Framework. ABLE stands for attention, benefit, linkage, and equity. Carefully examine each Big Idea and consider how it draws the attention of the target customer, what benefits they will receive by purchasing the Buhi Nurture messenger bag, how the Big Idea links to Buhi and its brand, and how equitable the Big Idea will be across multiple ad campaigns or social platforms.

Interpreting Your Results

Your results will be shown in the form of a gauge as shown below:


  • Red requires a lot of improvement
  • Orange requires more improvement
  • Yellow requires less improvement
  • Green requires little to no improvement.

In your results, you will see something along the lines of this:


The simulation will give you feedback on the overall big idea that you chose and rank. I will also tell you what the correct answer is. 

Tips and Tricks

  • Download the “ABLE Framework Guide” found in your inbox. 
  • When selecting an asset, choose the big idea that scored the highest, according to what score you gave it. 

While the Stukent Support team is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with Advertising should be directed back to your course instructor for best guidance.

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