Intro to Business Simternship | Results Review - Human Resources (HR)

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your Human Resources (HR) results in the Intro to Business Simternship.

How to navigate to Results, which you can do at any time while within the Intro to Business Simternship

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the Mimic Intro to Business title
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


Tips and Tricks

  • The Intro to Business Simternship has three HR rounds, rounds 1-3.
    • Round one focuses on recruitment strategy and benefits package selection
    • Round two focuses on recruitment strategy and selecting candidates
    • Round three deals with selecting candidates and refining the benefits package
  • You will be rated based on how well you achieved the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:
    • Red requires a lot of improvement
    • Orange requires more improvement
    • Yellow requires less improvement
    • Green requires little to no improvement.



While a green result usually indicates good performance, this is not the case for the Benefits Package Selection. For this section, results that are blue are considered optimal while green requires improvement in those decisions.


When selecting candidates for positions, they don’t have to be exact matches. The company will be flexible in salary match or other compensation match if a candidate is ideal for the position.

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