Intro to Business Simternship | Results Review - Supply Chain

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your Supply Chain results in the Intro to Business Simternship.

How to navigate to your Results, which you can access at any time while within the Intro to Business Simternship:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the Intro to Business Simternship logo at the top left of the screen
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


Tips and Tricks

  • The Intro to Business Simternship has three Supply Chain rounds, rounds 4-6.
    • Round 4 focuses on supply and demand
    • Round 5 focuses on supply and demand, but also component selection
    • Round 6 deals with component selection only

You will be rated based on how you performed against the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:

  • Red requires a lot of improvement
  • Orange requires more improvement
  • Yellow requires less improvement
  • Green requires little to no improvement.



For the Supply and Demand aspect, companies may terminate their contracts with you. Metrics can be found in the table as you scroll down, or you can click on the company placards. Clicking the placard flips it over and shows metrics for profit loss.

The table shows the same profit loss information as the placards, but also displays the unit information you were given, as well as the number of units you supplied to the company. This information will detail why a company may have terminated their contract.

Remember, when allocating inventory you may lose contracts, but the overall goal is to minimize FUTURE PROFIT LOST. Inventory should be given to those companies that will generate the most profit with the inventory they are given.


You will receive star ratings for each component you changed on a product. One star is a poor decision, while three stars is the perfect choice.

1_Star.png      2_Star.png      3_Star.png

Be sure to read the written feedback to see where you've done well and what might need improvement and compare that feedback with the data and indicators you've received in your results so you can create a plan for improvement in the next round.

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