Intro to Business Simternship | Results Review - Finance

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your results in the Intro to Business Simternship.

First, you'll need to access your results. Use the following steps to do so:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the Intro to Business Simternship title (similar to the example below)
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


When Do the Finance Rounds Occur?

 Intro To Business by default has three Finance rounds:14-16.

  • Round 14 focuses on operating income
  • Round 15 focuses on investments and promotions
  • Round 16 deals with operating income, investments, and promotions

How You Will be Rated

You will be rated based on how well you achieved the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:

-Red requires a lot of improvement

-Orange requires more improvement

-Yellow requires less improvement

-Green requires little to no improvement.


Operating Income Results

When forecasting operating income, pay close attention to the 2022 Annual Planning Notes located in your RESOURCES folder. In these notes is included information regarding the events you are forecasting. Pay special attention to the percentage of increase or decrease each event will lead to.

You will receive a red, orange, yellow, or green overall rating for this exercise.

mceclip0.pngYou will then see a Total Operating Income. For this Finance section of Intro to Business, you should strive to see growth round over round in Total Operating Income.


You can also select individual results for Volume, Average Unit Cost, and Operating Expenses. Click on each segment to see individualized results.


Each segment will show a breakdown of the percentages you calculated. On the graph, you will see the ideal percentage range as well as the actual range you calculated. The closer your actual calculation is to the ideal range, the better your score will be.


Calculating and Selecting Investments

For calculating and selecting investments, follow the equation given for calculating breakevens. Once you have calculated the breakevens, you will choose which investment will be the best option. The instructions for choosing the best investment are in the notes underneath the equation.


If a given investment’s breakeven is below the actual monthly volume, it’s an indication that the investment may be a good option for the American Dream Backpack.

You will follow the same principles for calculating breakevens and selecting promotions.The instructions for choosing the best promotions can be found in the notes under the equation.


If a given promotion's breakeven is below the historic volume increase, it's an indication that the promotion may be a good option for the American Dream Backpack.

Investment and Promotion Results

For your investment and promotion results, you will receive an overall score of red, orange, yellow, or green. You will see your total profit gained compared to your goals. You will also receive feedback on your selections, and see which options you probably should’ve chosen. 


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