This article will explain how to view your results in the Email Marketing Simternship.
How to navigate to your Results, which you can access at any time while within the Email Marketing Simternship:
- Click the RESULTS tab under the Email Marketing Simternship title
- Choose which round’s results you would like to view
- Once selected, the results page will appear
You will be rated based on how well you achieved the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:
-Red requires a lot of improvement
-Orange requires more improvement
-Yellow requires less improvement
-Green requires little to no improvement.
Overall Email Sequence Results
You will be scored on each individual sequence. In rounds where only one sequence is created, you will only see one section of feedback.
You will also see the metric totals as well as goals, usually referred to as Target or Max, for each sequence.
Metrics per Email in a Sequence
Use the metrics posted on each email to see what went well and what could be improved on. These metrics are available on each email in a sequence. For example, if you have 4 emails in a sequence, you will have metrics for each individual email.
The metrics for each email are Opens, Open Rate, Clicks, Click Rate, Conversions (Conv.), Conversion Rate (Conv. Rate), Unsubscribe (Unsub.), Unsubscribe Rate (Unsub. Rate).
In rounds that require you to create more than one sequence, you will receive feedback for each sequence created. Scroll down the page to see each sequence’s results.
TIP: Use the RESOURCES tab to access valuable information that will help you in creating your emails and email sequences.