Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Simternship | Review Results

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your SEO Sitemap and Competitor Audit results in the Stukent SEO Simternship.

First, you’ll need to access your results. Follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the Stukent SEO Simternship title.
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


Round 1: Competitor Audit and SEO Sitemap Questionnaire Results

You will see the results of your selected answers for both the Competitor Audit and SEO Sitemap next to each other.


You will see one of two results under each questions:


You will see the green Correct results when you have selected the correct answer. You will receive the red Incorrect results when you have selected any of the incorrect answers.

Round 1 Tips and Tricks

  • Be sure to utilize the Sitemap navigation above the SEO Sitemap questionnaire in order to find the right answers
  • Utilize the various Competitor Audit data tables above the Competitor Audit questionnaire in order to find the right answers.

Rounds 2-4: On-page SEO

In Rounds 2-4, you will be practicing On-page SEO. You will do this by doing keyword research, selecting keywords for a product landing page, and creating landing pages for those products.

In the results, you will see the landing page options at the top. You can click through them to see their individual results.


The first set of data you will see is the current (that rounds results) versus previous (the previous round) numbers you received for the following categories: Visits, Unique Visitors, and Referral Traffic. Your goal is to exceed the previous round’s numbers in all categories.


Next, you will receive Overall Feedback for that round. In the same section, you will receive feedback for the categories of Text Length, Keyword Use, Keyword Stuffing, and Spelling.


You will be rated using a radial dial for this section. Be sure to read the written feedback for each category as well. The written feedback will tell you what you’ve done well and potential areas for improvement.

The radial dial can be understood as a rating based on how well you achieved the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:


-Red requires a lot of improvement

-Orange requires more improvement

-Yellow requires less improvement

-Green requires little to no improvement.

Lastly, you will see results for your keyword performance for your landing page. You will see the Search Engine Results Position (SERP) results and the Difference in the SERP position. If the Difference number has an arrow point up, then that means the keyword’s position has improved, but if the arrow is pointing down, then your keyword position has worsened.


Rounds 5-7: Off-page SEO

The Off-page SEO results will be shown under the On-page results you are still seeing at the top of your Results page. 

The first Off-page results you will see are for three metrics: Organic Traffic, Linked Domains, and Domain Authority. As you go through these Off-page results sections, you should strive to see these numbers increase round over round.


Next, you see the results of your Offsite Campaign selections. These are line graphs that show a total number of visitors to your website that come through these sources over several weeks.


You can hover over the points on the graph to see the exact number of total visitors for that week. Results on these will vary. As you look at these, consider which ones are providing the most value to you. Ask yourself questions such as “Do the number of these visitors seem to always increase or decrease”, “Do the number of visitors seem to vary too much”, or “Would it be better to use a different campaign type?”

Email Campaigns

Starting in Round 6, you will make your first Email Campaign. The Email Campaign results will be shown before the Off-page SEO results.

First, you will see a radial dial result with written feedback.


Be sure to read the written feedback!

Below this dial, you will see your email with comments from Clara Maceno. These comments tell you the pluses and minuses of your selections for the various segments of your email.


You will receive an orangish, gold comment and text marking when you have chosen a poor content selection.


You will receive a bluish, green comment and text marketing when you have chosen a good or the best content selection.

Tips and Tricks

  • Be sure to read all the information available in your Inbox as well as the customer, Buhi, and product information found in your “Resources” button (found at the bottom right corner of your simulation). Use all this information to select the most optimal drivers that best fits Buhi’s target audience, products, and goals.
  • Don’t forget to still optimize (meaning improved) your On-page SEO in these rounds as well. Your score will suffer if you let your On-page SEO suffer.

Rounds 8-9: Budgeting Rounds

The Results for these two rounds will appear much the same from Round 6 through to the end of Stukent SEO Simternship.

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