Professional Selling Simternship | Results Review - Weekly Planning and Pitching

This article will show you step by step where to find and how to interpret results for the weekly planning portion on rounds 3-7 of the Professional Selling Simternship (formerly Mimic Professional Selling). 

To find your results, you will need to:

  1. Click on the “Results” button at the top left hand corner.
  2. Select the desired round.

The following clip will show you how to navigate. This will be the same for all simulations: 


Interpreting Your Results

Your results will be shown in the form of a gauge as shown below:


  • Red requires a lot of improvement
  • Orange requires more improvement
  • Yellow requires less improvement
  • Green requires little to no improvement.

Be sure to read the written instruction as it will help point you to where you could improve and where you've done well. 

Also, pay attention to the Prospect, Demonstrations, and Deals Closed statistics.

For Prospect, you'll know you've succeeded if you matched or exceeded the target number. If you are below that, you will simply need to find ways to obtain a higher Prospect total.

For Demonstrations and Deals Closed, it is always nice to see these numbers high, but don't be discouraged if these numbers seem quite low compared to the Prospects Target. Demonstrations number are normally less than Prospect Total, and Deals Closed are normally less than Demonstrations.

Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure to download the “Weekly Planner Historic Data”. This will give you references on when you should plan certain activities and how often they should occur. You can find this on the “Weekly Planner Tab” at the top of the page.                      


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