Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship | Results Review - Campaign Performance

This article will help you view and understand your campaign performance results for the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Simternship.

First, to look at your results, follow these steps:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the IMC title
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


TIP: We highly recommend watching the video on how to interpret your results. You can locate this video from the drop down menu at the very top of the Results page titled: HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR RESULTS.


Overall Revenue, Quarter Revenue, and Revenue Growth

In this section, you will be able to compare your Cumulative Revenue with the Expected Revenue that you should try met or exceeded in that round. You will also see the your Current Quarter results compared with the results of Last Quarter which you should also try to meet or exceed.

You will also see a Variance score and a QoQ Growth. The Variance indicates how much your revenue varied in that round's quarter. You want for the Variance to be positive. The QoQ, or Quarter over Quarter, Growth should also be positive. This growth indicates how much your Revenue has grown this quarter over last quarter.

Below these numbers, you will see a line graph that gives your revenue totals per quarter.


Marketing Funnel Snapshot

Next, in the Marketing Funnel Snapshot, you will see which target audiences have grown or declined. In the table below, we can see there was growth in the Awareness/Interest audiences, while everything else remains constant.


Campaign History

Moving on, you can view your previous round’s campaigns, or you can view your entire campaign history to this point by choosing either RECENT CAMPAIGNS or CAMPAIGN HISTORY.mceclip2.png

Positioning Statement and Marketing Communication Mix
For the Positioning Statement and the Marketing Communications Mix, click on each persona to see the campaign data for that persona. If a campaign was created, you will see whether the campaign produced growth or decline.

At the end of each bar, you will see the percentage of growth or decline.

HINT: If there is no change, you will not see a metric at the end of the bars.


Your positioning statement will receive a red, orange, yellow, or green score.

-Red requires a lot of improvement

-Orange requires more improvement

-Yellow requires less improvement

-Green requires little to no improvement.


HINT: Pay attention to persona demographics, interests, and shopping habits to create an effective positioning statement. 

For the last part of this section, you will see the metrics for the marketing communications you chose.


TIP: Use your RESOURCES folder- found at the bottom of the page when outside of your Results- to find useful information for choosing the best marketing channels for your campaign.

Market Share Breakdown

Within the Market Shares portion of your results, you will see information for units sold for Buhi. Current information is compared to the previous quarter’s information.


Be sure to read through messages in your INBOX as well as use your RESOURCES tab when going through each round. Valuable insight can be found in these places. This insight will help you make better choices throughout your rounds, improving your campaigns and overall results.

As with all simulations, take your time going through your different Results and comparing that data with the data or information shared in your Inbox and Resources folder. By doing this, you should be able to judge and see improvement round over round!

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