Personal Finance Simulation | Course Setup Wizard


This article will walk you through the steps to create a course or template in Personal Finance Simulation.


To create a course using the Personal Finance SImulation template, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click “Start Course Setup” next to the name of the course you are wanting to set up.

  2. You can then choose to use a template to set up your course. The MPF Master Template is recommended for new courses. However, you are able to choose between the MPF Master template, templates from any of your other MPF courses, or a template created by another instructor. If you choose to use a template created by another instructor, you will need the Template Key for the template you are wanting to use.

    Default template:

    Template from existing course of yours:

    Template from another instructor:

  3. Click Next
  4. On this page, you can choose to have your course start the day you are creating it, or choose a start date from the calendar. This will impact when students can start playing through the simulation and when they will receive their first paycheck and first set of bills. 

  5. Click Next.
  6. You will need to choose an end date for your course on this page. This will end the simulation and your students will no longer be able to access their MPF accounts. It is recommended to choose a date that coincides with the end of your class for the year or semester. 

  7. Click Next.
  8. On this page you will have the option to turn on or off optional features for your students to experience. A blue box with a white checkmark is an indication that the feature is active. A plain white box is an indication that the feature is turned off for this course. 

  9. Click Next.
  10. The Enrollment Info Page is where you can read how your students can be enrolled into your course. It also explains that you will have a fake student listed as “Demo [Last Name]” This allows you to play along with your students as well as demonstrate how to play the simulation as needed. 

  11. Click Next.
  12. On this page, the wizard will point out any courses you may have that have not been set up in MPF. If you would like to set these up with the same settings as the course you are currently creating, you can choose to do so on this page. A blue box with a white checkmark indicates a course that will be setup at this time with these settings. A plain white box indicates a course that will not be setup at this time. 
  13. Click Next.
  14. This final page will allow you to change the start and end dates as well as which template your course will be using. 
  15. Once you have made your final selections, simply click “Finish Course Setup” and then click “Exit Wizard.”


Your course will then be finished setting up and you will be all set to explore your simulation and make changes as desired to other settings within your course.

If you need any further assistance, please reach out to Stukent Support by email at or by phone at 1-855-788-5368.

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