Intro to Business Simternship | Results Review - Sales

This article will guide you through the steps of viewing your Sales results in the Intro to Business Simternship.

How to navigate to Results, which you can access at any time while within the Intro to Business Simternship:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the Intro to Business Simternship title
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


Tips and Tricks

  • Intro to Business Simternship has three Sales rounds, rounds 7-9.                              
    • Round 7 focuses on choosing retailers
    • Round 8 focuses on writing a Value-Proposition and creating an Elevator Pitch
    • Round 9 will be creating another Value-Proposition and Elevator Pitch

You will be rated based on how well you achieved the goals of the round. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:

-Red requires a lot of improvement

-Orange requires more improvement

-Yellow requires less improvement

-Green requires little to no improvement.


Specialty Retailer Results

When choosing retailers, you will be given a star rating for the companies you have chosen. One star is not a good fit, while three stars is a great fit. There may be times where your Company Pick receives a three star rating, but there may have been a better choice still. This could be the reason you receive a “yellow” on the results wheel even though your company picks were all rated three stars.


Elevator Pitch and Proposition Email

Read the directions carefully when creating your elevator pitch and/or value proposition email. The details you want to include are mentioned in the directions or in Giselle Watson’s message within your inbox.

The value proposition email is scored in three parts:

  1. Opening and Buyer Objective
  2. Company Offer
  3. Differentiator and Closing

You will receive a red, yellow, or green rating for each component.      


Be sure to read all written feedback as it will point in directions for improvement and help you to know what you did well.        

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