NIL Simternship | Results Review - Social Media

This article will help you interpret the results of your social media posts within the NIL(Name Image Likeness) Simternship.

How to navigate to the Results, which you can access at any time while within the NIL Simternship:

  1. Click the RESULTS tab under the NIL Simternship title
  2. Choose which round’s results you would like to view
  3. Once selected, the results page will appear


In rounds 5-8 you will be tasked with creating social media posts.

You will be rated based on how well your posts perform. You will receive a red, orange, yellow or green rating, which will be shown on a rating “wheel”. These colors are interpreted as follows:

-Red requires a lot of improvement

-Orange requires more improvement

-Yellow requires less improvement

-Green requires little to no improvement.


You will also receive feedback for each post, whether it be positive or negative. 



You will also see a table showing Engagement Rates, Reputation, and Negotiation Skills standings for the current round. Below the current round results, you will see your results from the previous round. This is a quick indicator of whether your performance was better or worse compared to prior rounds.Engagement_Rate.png



REMINDER- Use the RESOURCES tab at any time to see the information for your student-athlete, Best Practices for Online Interactions, and the Julian Email Guide. You will also see information about the Buhi bag line as well as Influencer Agreement contract information. This will be of great help when creating your social media posts.

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