Digital Marketing Simternship | How Do I Create a Shopping Ad?

Before you create a Shopping Campaign, you must first create the Shopping Ad Campaign. Shopping ads need to be specific and relevant. Take your time, create a solid bid and negative keyword strategy. You got this!


  1. Click the Campaign tab on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Select "+Add Campaign", then in the drop down select new “Shopping Campaign"
  3. Create your Campaign

    1. Select Campaign Goal
    2. Enter the Campaign Name and daily budget
    3. Add CPC
    4. Click "continue"

  4. Create your Ad Group

    1. Enter the Ad Group name (does not affect performance)
    2. Insert your default CPC 
    3. Click "continue"

  5. Create your Product group

    1. Enter the name of the product group
    2. Choose your Default CPC
    3. Select the products in your product feed
    4. Click "Create Product Group"

  6. Add Negative Keywords

  1. Make your selection on Negative Keywords
  2. Click “Continue”

Tips & Tricks:

  • The more Negative Keywords added to the list, the better your product group will perform. 
  • Look for Negative Keywords that are not relevant to the products you’re trying to sell.


While the Stukent Support is happy to assist with technical support, we are not marketing experts. Generally, questions about best practices with the Digital Marketing Simternship (formerly Mimic Pro) should be directed back to your course Instructor for best guidance.

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