Instructors | LMS Troubleshooting & FAQs

Note: This article is intended for instructors AFTER the Stukent course has been linked to the LMS.

If you have any questions or need troubleshooting steps for LMS setup, please view LMS Course Setup Troubleshooting and FAQ's or contact your Customer Success Manager.


When and how will the scores display in the LMS gradebook?

Scores will be sent to the LMS gradebook within minutes of a student submitting a quiz or round. If it is not showing up, you can go through the steps in this article: Instructors | Sync Scores to LMS.

Can I change the point values for the assignments that were generated?

Yes! You can change the point values for the Stukent assignments within your LMS. When the scores sync, they will adjust for what the point value is in the LMS. See example below:

  • Stukent Score: 96/100
  • Adjusted Score in LMS (if the point value was set to '20'): 19.2/20

Where do I change dates after my course is linked?

Currently, once you have linked your Stukent course to the LMS, you will need to change start/due dates in both your LMS and on the Stukent platform.

Can I change the products in my course after it's linked to the LMS?

Technically yes. However, the new product will not be linked to your LMS. This means no assignments for the new product will be generated nor will scores be synced to the LMS for that product. 

If you find that you accidentally linked a course with the wrong product, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to help you on next steps. It will most likely be recommended to unlink the current course, create a new Stukent course, and then link the new one. However, it would be best to work with your CSM to see if there are any alternative steps that can be taken.

*Canvas Users: Why are my students seeing "Your instructor has not setup your courseware yet.", but it shows as linked for me?

This is usually an indication that there are 2 Stukent tools installed in your course. Please reach out to the Support team to help resolve this. As part of your message to Support, you can confirm if you have 2 tools by going through these steps: Canvas Instructors | How do I check for multiple Stukent tools in Canvas?

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